Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23, 2011

Today's Observation:  My parents and I were honored to be a part of Erendida Jacobo's fundraiser at Cha Cha's in Brea.  With the love and support of our community she will win her battle with cancer and continue to bless us with her amazing spirit. 

March 22, 2011

Today's Observation:  Apparently the Chevron at Imperial Hwy and Laurel Ave. was the place to be this evening.  Get to the front of the line and I hear, "oh I've heard a lot about you".  My legacy has infiltrated the gas station.  Should I be proud or scared?

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011

Today's Observation:  my dream of someday making money off of my bar books is within reach.  I was told by somebody I met recently that I have a week to come up with a dollar amount in exchange for my latest book.  I should've kept my mouth shut and not assured this friend that I would never document nor reveal anything incriminating.  Oh well, at least money was offered and that's good enough for me.   

March 20, 2011

Today's Observation:  sometimes the fun just has to end, or at least go on hiatus.  Today ends Shenaniganopalooza and here are the day's highlights:

- It's 11:45 a.m., no actually 10:35 a.m. 
- Seeing Ronnie Ray shed a tear at Cha Cha's bar
- Mimosa, mimosa, mimosa, mimosa, mimosa
- Seeing pink elephants at Yardhouse with Gary, Friend of Mine, RR and Herm
- Never-ending song at Shady Nook
- Drinking shots of some unidentifiable sake-like potion in honor of Bernie
- Comforting Aziz while he remembers his dear friend Bernie (who is Bernie anyway?)
- Raisinets all over the car

Thanks to everybody who contributed to the weekend's memories.  Whew..............

March 19, 2011

Today's Observation: this is a popular day for birthdays.  I know of at least three: Shellie, Jude and Dylan.  Happy Birthday all!

Day 3 - Shenaniganopalooza

- The Creeping Hangover
- Ronnie Ray's 20-dollar bill trick
- Learning to play LRC with the Venegas, and losing to Ronnie Ray
- Herman asking over and over again what the score to the basketball game was, when it was right there on the screen.  Oops, I guess I could've told him that the game he thought it was had been over for an hour.
- Napping with brass knuckles
- Bhavan stealing stuff and practicing to be gangsta be continued...

March 18, 2011

Today's Observation:  Before I get to Day 2 of Shenaniganopalooza, I need to say that today's true observation is that 44 years of marriage is remarkable.  My parents are celebrating this, and they should.  It's a testament to true love.

Day 2 - Shenaniganopalooza

- Joel (a.k.a. Elvis) the pharmacist/psycho dad
- Trying to make The Spy crack a smile, or any sign of emotion
- Cocktail napkins filled with crazy notes, then lost
- Learning to Crip Walk be continued...

March 17, 2011

Today's Observation: This day was the beginning to a four-day marathon of shenanigans...rightfully so since March 17th is St. Patrick's Day.  Here are a few key words from Day 1 of Shenaniganpolooza:

- Max's poop that "broke open" (his words) that looked like it came out of a grizzly bear
- The Entourage Lephrechaun
- Max dipping his french fries in his ketchup and then his Shirley Temple (no wonder his poops are abnormal)
- Cornhole on the sidewalk while dodging Ronnie Ray's beanbags (I'll leave that one alone)
- Dollar-bill jewelry
- Herman's,, green shirt be continued...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011

Today's Observation:  I don't understand the new sidekick on the commercials for The General auto insurance.  Since when do Generals hang out with penguins?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15, 2011

Today's Observation:  I find it very amusing that some guy called my coworker's cellphone asking for me.  She very politely asked who was calling and the reason (rightfully so considering it's her personal cellphone) and he said, "just put Keri on the phone".  It turns out that this was just a very weird coincidence that he asked for a Keri and got one.

March 14, 2011

Today's Observation:  4:00 a.m. is entirely too early for water to suddenly start dripping out of my bathroom fan/light.  Give me at least until 10:00 a.m. so that I can try to process what is going on.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 2011

Today's Observation: I am a bit confused by a sign that I saw on my way home tonight.  Following is how it appeared:

The courage to question
coffee and conversation

Are these people against coffee and the act of a discussion between two or more people?  Or, perhaps, they are promoting a get-together where you can drink coffee and talk about having the strength to question things in life.  I realize the latter makes more sense, but my warped mind reads it as the former and I find my version to be funnier.

March 12, 2011

Today's Observation: It is extremely amusing to watch one man teach another how to have a more bad-ass attitude.  Actual excerpt from the lesson:

Student: "I'll be right back."
Master: "Don't say it like that!"
Student: "I'll be right back, fool!"

It becomes even more interesting when cultures are brought into the mix, but I'll refrain from displaying them here so as not to offend any sensitive people.

March 11, 2011

Today's Observation:  Anybody who gets a Donald Duck tattoo on his arm has either a really fun-loving disposition or a really low tolerance for alcohol before heading into the tattoo shop.

March 10, 2011

Today's Observation:  bangs definitely need to be cut while the hair is dry. 

March 9, 2011

If I observed something on this day I don't remember it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 8, 2011

Today's Observation:  A little Equal sprinkled in wine isn't as bad as one would think.  My son decided to pour an entire packet into my wine at dinner, since my friend did that to her iced tea.  I was mortified at what I figured was a waste of a perfectly good glass of wine.  I was given a new glass, but the server brought me back the "enhanced" glass because he claimed the taste wasn't too different.  I figured he was certifiably crazy until I tasted it and realized it was pretty darn good.  Thanks, Max!

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7, 2011

Today's Observation:  I read on the news that at 7:02 p.m. I'd be able to see the Space Shuttle and International Space Station passing through the sky.  I dragged the kids outside but I didn't see them (the shuttle and ISS; I could see my kids).  I am actually grateful for that because I saw the Space Shuttle Columbia on its flight back to Florida in 2003, as it was disintegrating.  That was heartbreaking.  I wish the astronauts a safe return home.  God speed....

March 6, 2011

Today's Observation:  It made me very happy to hang out with the Ks today.  Missed you guys....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 5, 2011

Today's Observation:  It happened again.  After running some errands in the morning, I stopped at Entourage to give a friend a check for some work he's done for my office.  Somehow that last little errand lasted a couple of hours because next thing I knew I was drinking a spicy Blood Mary (thanks Erin!) and eating In-n-Out (thanks Buddy!) with the employees.  After the Bloody Mary was gone I fell victim to the "I'll make you a drink" scheme.  The Entourage bartenders are notorious for this trick.  I am NOT complaining though.  Let's just make that clear.  ;)

March 4, 2011

Today's Observation:  Happy Hour at Red Robin is a great deal!  I have been going to the one at Brea Mall for many, many years and wondered why they didn't have Happy Hour.  Well now they do, and I'm a big fan.

March 3, 2011

Today's Observation:  I took the kids to Pizza Club, our favorite pizza place in La Habra.  I got free pizza because I was the Facebook Friday winner (from the previous Friday).  When I got there, the owner came over to me and introduced me to several of her family members.  It's the little things in life like this that make people feel special.  Thanks Tammy and Pizza Club! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

Today's Observation:  When I was reviewing the bank accounts at work and registering outgoing checks, I noticed a note under one of the check registry fields.  It read something to the effect of "check amount up to one billion dollars".  I'm sorry, did they say billion?  Are there that many billion-dollar checks being written that there's a database entry note about them?  This baffles me.....

March 1, 2011

Today's Observation:  Having smart children is a blessing, but also somewhat of a curse.  My daughter lost another tooth today and when my mom spilled the beans about it she (my daughter) got really upset.  I was stunned that she didn't want me to know, and pretty hurt that she didn't want to share the occasion with me.  Finally the reason came out.  My daughter told me that she didn't want me to know because she wanted to know if the tooth fairy is real.  She said that if I knew I probably would've put a dollar under her pillow and she'd never know.