Monday, March 21, 2011

March 20, 2011

Today's Observation:  sometimes the fun just has to end, or at least go on hiatus.  Today ends Shenaniganopalooza and here are the day's highlights:

- It's 11:45 a.m., no actually 10:35 a.m. 
- Seeing Ronnie Ray shed a tear at Cha Cha's bar
- Mimosa, mimosa, mimosa, mimosa, mimosa
- Seeing pink elephants at Yardhouse with Gary, Friend of Mine, RR and Herm
- Never-ending song at Shady Nook
- Drinking shots of some unidentifiable sake-like potion in honor of Bernie
- Comforting Aziz while he remembers his dear friend Bernie (who is Bernie anyway?)
- Raisinets all over the car

Thanks to everybody who contributed to the weekend's memories.  Whew..............

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