Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1, 20111

Today's Observations:   Two for the price of one today!  See?  The B.O.G.O. idea that the dentists had (see earlier post), is catching on. 
  1. I saw a guy on a bike today and the seat was extraordinarily high; about 8 feet off the ground.  This lead to a few questions:  How does he get on?  What happens when he wants to stop, since he isn't 10 feet tall and can just set his feet down on the ground.  WHY???
  2. Wells Fargo has observations, too!  I went to make some deposits for work and I happened to see a binder entitled, "Observations".  I didn't know whether to rejoice or cry.
*  I had to change the design on my blog because Ray told me it was not appealing to the eye.  Now you all get to suffer while I find the best look for my blog. 

1 comment:

  1. An 8 foot bike seat? YIKES!
    As far as blog backgrounds..there are lots of websites you can download backgrounds from if you want to be super fancy! ;-)
